
Browser extension bringing the Xbox Game Pass to Steam.

This extension is unmaintained

I am personnaly using Alike03's extension which does what this extension used to do and much more.

Do not buy a game you already have access to

There is no way you're mistakenly buying a game again with the "Included with Xbox Game Pass" block appearing above the purchase options.

Review your wishlist

You might be waiting on a sale while you can already be playing games from your wishlist. With this extension you can tell at first glance.

included-with-xbox-game-pass is an open source side project by Gabin. Do not hesitate to get in touch by sending me at email at [email protected].

Also, the best way to be part of the community is by joining the Xbox Game Pass subreddit: /r/xboxgamepass. Regarding the latest news, Microsoft usually posts them on Twitter and/or on their blog.